Mon 27 Jan
I love what I DO SO WILL U tired of rub and tug call me 708 359 9686 marie - 40
(Midland / Odessa, HOTEL ODESSA 817/714 7436)
LAST chance 2 PLAY WITH ME 3 pm is LAST APT . LONLEY NEED SOME TLC call me. 817 714 7436 MARIE - 40
(Midland / Odessa, HOTEL MIDLAND midtown)
Escorts Needed*** Busy Professional Manager*** Guaranteed Safety **TRAVEL THE WORLD - 35
(ALL OVER, Midland / Odessa)
*•💚•* TaN AnD ToNeD! *•💚•* JUiCy CuTiE! *•💚•* ALL AmeRiCaN BeAuTy! *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
💋💋💕💕_The Gorgeous Brandy is Back in town NOW !!!! Waiting & Ready to Please YOU ! 🎀🎀💋💋 - 20
(Midland / Odessa, midland/Odessa)
~**PeTiTe**~ ~**TaTTooEd**~ ~**GoDDeSS**~ ~**$pEcIaL$**~ ~**TiL**~ ~**6AM**~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, your place)
Sat 11 Jan
Midland💧 80 qv SLiPPERY 💋ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 💦 ⓝⓐⓢⓣⓨ 💦 ⓒⓛⓐⓢⓢⓨ 💋 ℰ❌❌❌ℂ 💋 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† - 29
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incalls Outcall everywhere)
**Petite** **Exotic** **Tattooed** **Hunni** **Outcall$** **$pecial$** - 21
(Midland / Odessa, your place)
Midland ★ Sasha is BACK && rdy to PLAY ❤Come Let Me Keep You Warm With This...(y) ... ❤ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND MIDKIFF & WALL ST. IN/OUT ODessa)
★°°• BEST • °• H€@D __ FROM • °°• THE •°°•★ SOUTH •°°•80 SPECIAL!! ❤☎. .........CALL ThE BeSt NoW!! - 29
(Midland / Odessa, {{ MIDLAND IN/CALL'S }})
•;*:• I GO •:* :A_b_O_v_E __ & __ B_e_Y_o_N_d __ T_h_E __ R_e_S_t_ •:*:• ExCeEdiNg EXPECTATIONS •:* - 20
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Wall St.)
[•★•] FIVE StaR TreatMenT [•★•] PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn [•★•] HoT BlonDe! [•★•] - 27
★☆★ Fun Girls That Travel ★☆★ Scheduel Appointments Now ••• We Know What Yall Oil Workers Need!! - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa & Surrounding Areas)
♥[[ GoRGeouS ]] ♥ [[ TeMpTiNG ]] Winter♥Fling [[ All NaTuRaL ]] ♥[[ GiRL NeXT DooR]] —♥ - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Incalls-Business 20 & JBS /Outs All Over)
R U LONLEY NEED SOME TLC my vip body rub is what u NEED ! OR MAYBE OVERNITE w me 817 919 6568 - 40
(Midland / Odessa, walls st 325 320 4372)
Fri 10 Jan
Odessa/Big Springs Hottie.. Want Fun im the One..Big Spring Only Available Now Available All Night - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Big Spring)
Ready and Willing to make all your dreams come true - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa Tx/ Surrounding Areas)
~**PeTiTe**~ ~**TaTTooEd**~ ~**GoDDeSS**~ ~**$pEcIaL$**~ ~**TiL**~ ~**6AM**~ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, your place)
😻😻 ❤❤ NEW !!! Updated pics!! Adriana here to spice up your evening!!! xoxo 😻😻 ❤❤ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, in or out)
* Last Day* SeXy, MaTurE * wEll ReviEweD AvaiLabLe NOW * - 30
(Midland / Odessa, Midland/Wall Street)
*"* ♥ *"* ~ I ~ G O T ~ U ~ *"* ♥ *"* 469 ~ 443 ~ 2450 - 40
(Midland / Odessa, March 9th,,10th,,11th~ 8:00am To 11:00pm)
~•°•~ SiNfULLy SwEEt ToUcH WiTh ~•°•~ BELLA BABY~•°•~ - 31
(IN/CALL CALL FOR INFO!!!, Midland / Odessa)
♛ GOOD & PLENTY ♛ 40E-30-42 Sinfully Stacked Exotic Mature Brunette ♛ CC'S OK - 44
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, San Antonio In call MC and Visa Accepted)
Thu 09 Jan
*•💚•* BeSt oF THe BeSt! *•💚•* GoRgeOUs BooTy! *•💚•* ALL AMeRiCaN BeAuTy! *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
Morning specials-★ S—— U——P——E——R —— ★ — ★ S——E——X——Y ★ L--a--t--i--n--a ★ - 23
(Midland / Odessa, odessa/jbs pkway)
• 🎀💗🎀 • HoT AnD HoRnY HoNey!! • 🎀💗🎀 • AMaZiNg BoOTy!! • 🎀💗🎀 • NeW PiCs! • 🎀💗🎀 • • 🎀💗🎀 • • 🎀💗🎀 • - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ((NEW PICS!!)) ODESSA)
Natural Double Double D Rack Awesome b2b massage's Mutal touch massage - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Midland Area)
The •★• █ █ Secret •★• █ █ will •★• █ █ Be •★• █ •★• █ █ Ours •★• █ Odessa 21~ ! - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa In&Outs;)
Wed 08 Jan
~*PeTiTe*~ ~*PrEttY*~ ~*GeT YoUr CaNdY DeLiVeReD OuTcAll $PeCiAl$ TiL 6Am*~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, outcalls)
♡♥♡♥ Monroe N€W Number °·°·°Fetish friendly ***** IN CALL SPEICALS - 22
██▆▅▃♥ NeW"▃ BloNdE ▅▆██▆▅▃♥ CuTIE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ ON♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DUTY ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥██ - 26
(Midland / Odessa, midland incall outcalls all over)
NeW 《《OPEN MINDED 》》♥《《 CuTE __ BruneTTe 》》♥《《 SeXY __ BoDY == 100% ReaL PHoToS - - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa incall & outcall)
👄💎LaSt DaY In ToWn 👄💎💰SpEcIaLS 💦All 💦DaY 🌍 InTeRnAtIoNaL 🌍 EsCoRT - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Your place)
LAST CHANCE last day DONT GO WITHOUT r u LONLEY NEED TLC call me 817 714 7436 reviewded #1 in dfw - 40
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND I 20 817 714 7436)
▒ * .•* H0T *•.* ▒▓•♥• ★ Y0UNG ★ •♥• ★ ★ •♥•▓▒ * .•* REAdY*•.* ▒▓▒ Specials Now - 18
(Midland / Odessa, incall Outcall)
•💗👸💗• BiG BooTy CuTiE! •💗👸💗• PReTTy N' PeRfeCt PRiNceSS! •💗👸💗• •💗👸💗• •💗👸💗• •💗👸💗• •💗👸💗• •💗👸💗• •💗👸💗• - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
R U LONLEY NEED SOME TLC my vip body rub is what u NEED ! OR MAYBE OVERNITE w me 817 919 6568 - 40
(Midland / Odessa, off i20 817 714 7436)
Tue 07 Jan
💋❤MIDLAND INCALL 💋💜 STOP Wasting Time With Bad Rushed Service 😉😉 Im Real & Well Reviewed ❤💚 - 31
(Midland / Odessa, 〓💜 MIDLAND INCALL ONLY 〓💜〓💜〓💜〓💜〓💜)
*•💗💜💗•* BRuNeTTe BoMBSHeLL! *•💗💜💗•* JUiCy BooTy & BiG BooBiEs! *•💗💜💗•* SPeCiALs! *•💗💜💗•* *•💗💜💗•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA INCALL)
Mon 06 Jan
♛ SALT of the EARTH SWEET BRUNETTE™Compassionate Companionship for Gentlemen ♛ - 43
(Midland / Odessa, San Antonio)
last chance last day R u lonly u dnt have 2b 817 714 7436 reviewed yes - 40
(Midland / Odessa, MIDLAND WALLS ST 817 7147436)
100/150 EARLY BIRDS °·°·°·°·Fetish friendly ¡!¡!¡ Blonde Babe Green Eyes - 24
(Midland / Odessa, midland in+out)
*TaTTooEd* ~BlOnDe~ *BoMbShEll ~$pEcIaL$~ *All* ~NiGhT~OuTcAll$ OnLy - 22
(Midland / Odessa, YOUR PLACE)
reaDy To pLease*** All Day SpeCiAlS *** AvaiLaBle NoW*** ThrEE FreaKy Latinas*** - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)
WOW! Can U DiG These HiP's & Azzzz? Hawaiian Fantasy NeW HeRe 2 tOwN^ (575) 805-8571 - 35
(Midland / Odessa, Incall ODESSA - Outcall ALL OVER)
*•💚•* TiGhT AnD TaN!! *•💚•* JUiCy BooTy! *•💚•* ALL AMeRiCaN BeAUtY! *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
👉ЅUℙℰℛ ЅᎾᎯᏦℰℛ💦💦👈 👌#1🔝 Pick 👈 HERE TO 💥 βℒⓄW 💥 ᎽOUℛ ℳiη∂ 🔥 [ЅℒℐℙℙℰℛᎽ ]💦👅 BIG B( . ) ( . )BiES👈 💋 🎀 - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Incall &&Outcalls; All Over PECOS PECOS)
*TaTTooEd* ~BlOnDe~ *BoMbShEll ~$pEcIaL$~ *All* ~NiGhT~OuTcAll$ OnLy - 22
(Midland / Odessa, YOUR PLACE)
*•💋•* *•💋•* SeXy FRiDaY SpeCiALs! *•💋•* NaUGhTy HoTTiE WiTh An AMaZinG BoDy! *•💋•* *•💋•* *•💋•* *•💋•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
♥◆♥ ROCHELLE♥◆♥Booty on Duty♥◆♥ $60 $80 $100 $pecials day/night♥◆♥ - 25
(Midland / Odessa, odessa tx)
~*PeTiTe*~ ~*PrEttY*~ ~*GeT YoUr CaNdY DeLiVeReD OuTcAll $PeCiAl$ TiL 6Am*~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, outcalls)
██▆▅▃♥ NeW"▃ BloNdE ▅▆██▆▅▃♥ CuTIE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ ON♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DUTY ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥██ - 26
(Midland / Odessa, midland incall outcalls all over)
___ ‼️I'M BACK BOYS‼️__ 💦🍆🍌👅 Pure ECStaCy BlonDe ViXxeN 💍💖💎 UPscaLe Cover GiRl 🙋👍😍 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incalls--- outs all over)
♥★♥★♥ ⇨ MARILYN 'S HERE , new in town⇦ ★♥N€W PICS♥★ Chocolate Treat . Sweet & Petiteツ - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland)
••🌹•• ••🌹•• HoT ANd HoRNy HoNeY! ••🌹•• SeXy SpeCiALs! ••🌹•• ••🌹•• ••🌹•• ••🌹•• ••🌹•• ••🌹•• - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
{eXoTiC bLoNdE} LaSt NigHt* YoU doNT WaNT tO mISS ThIS!!! - 21
(Midland / Odessa, incall specials. 5'3*34DD-24-44*120 lbs)
*•💚•* GoRgeOuS BoDy! *•💚•* PeRfEcT BooTy! *•💚•* ALL AMeRiCaN BeAUTy! *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* *•💚•* - 23
(Midland / Odessa, ODESSA)
★☆★ Fun Girls That Travel ★☆★ Scheduel Appointments Now ••• We Know What Yall Oil Workers Need!! - 25
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa & Surrounding Areas)
Erotic massage swedish prostate n mor incall/outcall 110hr - 24
(Midland / Odessa, incall odessa outcall to everywhere)
100/150 EARLY BIRDS °·°·°·°·Fetish friendly ¡!¡!¡ Blonde Babe Green Eyes - 24
(Midland / Odessa, midland in+out)
I love what I DO SO WILL U tired of rub and tug call me 708 359 9686 marie - 40
(Midland / Odessa, HOTEL ODESSA 817/714 7436)
R U LONLEY NEED SOME TLC my vip body rub is what u NEED ! OR MAYBE OVERNITE w me 817 919 6568 - 40
(Midland / Odessa, walls st 325 320 4372)
R U LONLEY NEED SOME TLC my vip body rub is what u NEED ! OR MAYBE OVERNITE w me 817 714 7436 - 40
(Midland / Odessa, midland walls st 817 714 7436)
Sun 05 Jan
~**PeTiTe**~ ~**TaTTooEd**~ ~**GoDDeSS**~ ~**$pEcIaL$**~ ~**TiL**~ ~**6AM**~ - 21
(Midland / Odessa, your place)
★☆★ Rochelle ★☆★ I'm Everything You Need ★☆★ Specials $60 $80 $100 Specials - 25
(Midland / Odessa, odessa tx)
♥ REAL PICs $100 Specials♥—H —I —G —H —L—Y ——T—A —L —E—N —T—E—D ——♥——H —O—T —&— R -E -A -D-Y♥ - 19 - 19
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/Midland)
___ ‼️I'M BACK BOYS‼️__ 💦🍆🍌👅 Pure ECStaCy BlonDe ViXxeN 💍💖💎 UPscaLe Cover GiRl 🙋👍😍 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Midland incalls--- outs all over)
In ODESSA NOW! Carmen!!! 9Two 9 3Two Five 9Zero 3ONE 100% real - 23
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa iNCALL And Outcall)
JADÈ♊Creole LADY MARMALADE🍭 ✨👯👅👯Specials✨Oilfield Workers Discount%⛽Toys+More✨ - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Rankin Hwy && I-20 INCALLS ONLY)